Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer brings smiling family photos and this one was no exception! Larissa's family is absolutely gorgeous and we had so much fun romping around the Doylestown castle taking great family photos! We hope you had as much fun as we did! Thanks for letting me be a part of your lives and being able to capture wonderful moments for you to enjoy!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It was a rainy and dreary day at the beginning for Shannon & Ralph, however their smiles were not left behind with the sunshine! It was a challenge to stay dry but the sun came out and they still had a great time by the end of the night. The wedding was beautiful and you could tell the joy everyone had for them as they kissed and became Mr. & Mrs.; congratulations Shannon and Ralph!

Warrington Country Club

Fabulous photos from the Warrington Country Club, a local vendor of mine!

Friday, July 9, 2010

It was a joy to be able to shoot Brody! He is such a happy baby and loved to laugh, which is great for a photographer! Thank you for letting me create memories for your family!